
Showing posts from September, 2023

All About Me

 Hey, this is a short commercial about me, Enjoy! 

Production Blog

Now it's time to start and finish my editing process. While going through this I realized I overestimated my ability to us cap cut efficiently. Though I had done research on how to use the app, its way different when you're actually using it and when you have to pay for the good effects. The first scene of my commercial that I inputted last minute was a screen that read the words "All About Me." The scene played for a few seconds as the song played with no lyrics. While the song still played, I transitioned to a baby picture of me. Then a video of me around 9 years old basing the transition to the start of the song. When the lyrics finally start playing it starts off with "What I Always Long For" showing a picture collage of me in pre-k in a doctor costume, in cheer uniform, and holding up an honor-roll certificate. After these first lyrics are played the cut transitions to another scene with a black smokey fade in. With the lyrics "Feel Like a Brand-Ne...

Production Blog

Since the other day of production, I have brainstormed some Ideas of how I want my commercial laid out. The idea I will most likely is not be my original one at the time though. To clarify the idea that is standing out to me most is aligning my pictures with the song lyrics. I will go more in depth later. Right now, I still need to figure out a tagline for my commercial. One that has stood out to me from my brainstorming is "feel like a brand-new person" considering its one of the main lyrics of my song it only seems fitting. Now on to how I plan to layout my commercial. The first part will be my first 2 pictures. Basically, a jump from baby me to fifth grade me. The lyrics playing over it being "what I always longed for. Then switching into the video of me as the music comes to a stop/beat drop. The video will play for a bit and then the music will start back up featuring a current picture of me with the lyrics "feel like a brand-new person". Following with th...

Production Blog

Today I worked on the layout of my commercial. Aswell as deciding how many pictures and videos I want to use. At the end of my planning process, I was left with around eighteen both pictures and videos to choose from. I have decided to use at least one video. I also want to use a picture of me as a baby, last day of 5th grade, a current picture, and pictures of my hobby's. Which only seems fitting considering my commercial is all about me. So, I am left with about five pictures that I for sure need. So finalizing and deducting videos from my eighteen was now a breeze. During this process, I thought back to a project I did in the third grade where we had to create a timeline of our life up to that point. I basically had to do what I'm doing now (in a way less advanced way). Finding pictures of myself from each year placing them on a long strip of paper along with a short description of each picture/year. That last part being what stuck out to me the most but instead of a caption...

Production Blog

 To launch the start of my commercial I needed to figure out what editing software I wanted to use before I even started considering what to do with my pictures and videos. Cap cut being the most popular and "obvious choice." But I was looking at a broader aspect of editors outside of what people usually use. Of course, trying to be as advanced as possible in the simplest way. The first larger editing software that came to my mind was Adobe something I had access to and was very slightly familiar with. YouTube allowed me access to a very large variety of videos on how to use the software as well as some tips and tricks. So far learning the software thoroughly seems to be the hardest part of my commercial. After I was able to adequately learn the adobe software, I went on to learn about other free software's that were advanced but also easy to use since adobe was a lot at once. Some software's I came across were shot cut and DaVinci resolve DaVinci resolve was on the t...


 To start the process of my all about me commercial I decided to go through my old photos in my phone and see how far back I could get. With luck I was able to find photos of my younger self like baby photos and so on. Though finding videos was more of a challenge I was able to find some from family. Like my parents and older sibling. Although I had the photos of me as a child, I also need to find videos of other aspects about me and my life. I decided to also collect photos of my various hobbies as well as videos. Moving on in the process of creating the commercial was a bit more of a challenge as I became stuck on how I would even start putting a commercial together. So, then the research portion began of me learning how I could use editing software or if it would be more beneficial to me to do something simple like cap cut.  Though I have had some experience using editing software's - as a result of my hobbies - I've never been fluent in the tech language. In the end I will...

Intro Blog

 Hello, my name is Kaylee, and this is a little blog about me. For starters I'm 15 and from Miami, Florida. I've always been a bit more on the creative side when it comes to my hobbies. Things like video games have always interested me. I got into them in elementary school and still haven't lost interest. This led me to build my own computer, so I also know a bit about tech (just a bit though). The plan is to start learning more about editing and finally use my very little knowledge of coding. I also got into origami in middle school though I don't really do it anymore I have a box of old things I made and will most likely dabble in origami here and then in the future. One of my most recent hobbies has been crocheting which I got into January 2023 because I was sick and bored. It's also something I want to make into a business. So enough with my hobbies considering I'm from Miami you may be wondering why I would go to a school. All the way in Fort Lauderdale. Th...