Production Blog
Since the other day of production, I have brainstormed some Ideas of how I want my commercial laid out. The idea I will most likely is not be my original one at the time though. To clarify the idea that is standing out to me most is aligning my pictures with the song lyrics. I will go more in depth later. Right now, I still need to figure out a tagline for my commercial. One that has stood out to me from my brainstorming is "feel like a brand-new person" considering its one of the main lyrics of my song it only seems fitting. Now on to how I plan to layout my commercial. The first part will be my first 2 pictures. Basically, a jump from baby me to fifth grade me. The lyrics playing over it being "what I always longed for. Then switching into the video of me as the music comes to a stop/beat drop. The video will play for a bit and then the music will start back up featuring a current picture of me with the lyrics "feel like a brand-new person". Following with the last pieces of media. Lastly the pictures of my hobbies will be shown with the lyrics "I finally know what it's like" as the song fades away and the music cuts out. Now of course this is just a layout for the commercial. There is always the possibility of me making some last-minute decisions during editing. But with this layout I have a definite path the follow while editing. Speaking of editing it's time to get to that during next production. Where I will edit and finalize my commercial. This will be then end of my commercial.
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