Production Blog
Today I worked on the layout of my commercial. Aswell as deciding how many pictures and videos I want to use. At the end of my planning process, I was left with around eighteen both pictures and videos to choose from. I have decided to use at least one video. I also want to use a picture of me as a baby, last day of 5th grade, a current picture, and pictures of my hobby's. Which only seems fitting considering my commercial is all about me. So, I am left with about five pictures that I for sure need. So finalizing and deducting videos from my eighteen was now a breeze. During this process, I thought back to a project I did in the third grade where we had to create a timeline of our life up to that point. I basically had to do what I'm doing now (in a way less advanced way). Finding pictures of myself from each year placing them on a long strip of paper along with a short description of each picture/year. That last part being what stuck out to me the most but instead of a caption on each picture I would use lyrics from the song I chose. At this point a huge light bulb went off in my head. For example, with my fifth-grade picture I would use the song lyric "what I always long for" which says I miss the fifth grade or something along those lines. Then my current picture would have the lyrics coming right after that say "feel like a brand-new person". Overall, I would say today was a greatly productive day. My next day of production will basically be finalizing the layout since I have my pictures chosen already as well as starting the editing process.
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