Introduction Blog - Final Task
Hello, my name is Kaylee and im back for my final task. The opening scene for a movie! This is a recap blog about me. For starters I'm 15 and from Miami, Florida. I've always been a bit more on the creative side when it comes to my hobbies. Things like video games have always interested me. I got into them in elementary school and still haven't lost interest. This led me to build my own computer, so I also know a bit about tech (just a bit though). The plan is to start learning more about editing and finally use my very little knowledge of coding. I also got into origami in middle school though I don't really do it anymore I have a box of old things I made and will most likely dabble in origami here and then in the future. One of my most recent hobbies has been crocheting which I got into January 2023 because I was sick and bored. It's also something I want to make into a business. So enough with my hobbies considering I'm from Miami you may be wondering why I would go to a school. All the way in Fort Lauderdale. This is because the school stuck out to me with its Law Program. My mother has always told me that I would be a great Lawyer because I "like to argue." Bur of course I wouldn't allow that one thing to decide my career. Her words definitely boosted my will to be a lawyer but it's something I genuinely have a passion for. I've always seen how unjust the world is and how so many things happen that are looked over. Which is why I hope to practice social justice law. Or any type of law that will allow me to help other people. "The fight for what's right" is the way I see it. So that's a little bit about me thank you for reading.
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