Production Blog - Film Day
Of course, the first step of starting the filming process is to head to the location were filming at. Which in this case was the mall. When I arrived, I met up with my group in the food court and talked about what we wanted to do and decided to start with the scene of the actors walking into the mall. Which we filmed a few times to get the perfect shot. This is because the actors didn't seem natural enough with their movements at first. But we persevered. Next, we entered the mall to start filming the next few scenes. Though we weren't sure where exactly we wanted to film, we decided to just walk around the mall and see what shops would be nice. Which led us to find the perfect store. This being the statue shop you will scene in a scene during the music video. The vibe of the store was perfect. One thing to note is that the actors didn't know they were being filmed. Which allowed us the most natural performance. Then we headed over to the cuties stuff because there were many nice items that would give a nice scenery for the background. We were also able to get scene of the actors getting/eating food. Which again they did not know about. After some filming we sat down for about 30 minutes and discussed what we wanted to do next. So, when this 30 minute was over, we went to Macys, recorded some scenes, and looked around. The last scene we filmed was of course the ending scene of the actors noticing the goddess. Overall, the filming process ended up going by pretty smoothly.
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