
Showing posts from January, 2024

Other Info

We will be filming sometime during the middle of February, we don't have a date for sure set in stone but we should all be free around that time. With that being said, if someone can't end up making it, that will be fine as we can film and act with only two people. We want to film at Gregs house however, if we cant we will be filming at Honeys house instead. For everyone's safety we're going to make sure that we have at least one parent present. We're also going to avoid using any items that could potentially cause harm. If anyone can't do anything we will give the task to another person and figure out how to make it easiest for everyone. 

Title Research - "Prisoners" Opening Sequence

 "Prisoners" utilizes gritty and impactful titles that reflet films intense and dark tone. The typography is somber, setting the stage for the unfolding thriller. Images of a neighborhood during a rainy night take precedence, immediately creating a tense and mysterious ambiance. The opening visuals hint at the film's potential. The film establishes its thriller genre by combining moody title design with visuals of an ordinary darkness. This immediately creating a tense and mysterious ambiance. The opening visuals hint at the film's potential. The film establishes its thriller genre by combining moody title design with visuals of an ordinary neighborhood, shrouded in darkness. This immediately creating a tense and mysterious ambiance. The opening visuals hint at the film's potential. The film establishes its thriller genre by combining moody title design with visuals of an ordinary neighborhood, shrouded in darkness. This immediately evokes a sense of mystery and s...

Title Research: Art of the Title

 We're delving into Art of the Title website to explore and analyze the word of title design. This platform is renowned for showcasing innovative and creative title sequence in films. By navigating through its content, we aim to gain insights into various techniques, styles, and trends in title design that can be applied to the thriller genre. Understanding the sites offerings is crucial for extracting valuable inspiration for my final task, where we'll be creating a title sequence. It's very good for us to understand and know what it is that we need to do. These websites offer a lot of insight to help s through our journey.

Title Research - "Gone Girl" Opening Sequence

 "Gone Girl" employs sleek modern titles that reflect the psychological thriller genre. The typography is sophisticated, aligning with the film's intricate narrative. The opening sequence emphasizes shots of the suburban environment, a key setting in the films. These images subtly introduce the audience to the world of the story. By blending contemporary title design with visuals of suburban life, "Gone Girl" establishes a psychological thriller atmosphere from the beginning, intriguing viewers with a mix of normalcy and potential suspense.

Title Research - "Se7en" Opening Sequence

 The opening sequence of "Se7en" features stark, impactful titles that set the tone for dark thriller. The typography is gritty and reinforces the film's intense atmosphere. Images of urban decay, crime scenes, and unsettling symbols take center stage. These visuals foreshadow the film's suspenseful and ominous narrative. The film establishes the thriller genre by immersing viewers in a foreboding atmosphere through its title design and choice of disturbing visuals. The combination creates a sense of unease and anticipation.